

Sl No. Document Name

Balaram Sir CV

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1 Balaram Sir CV View

Ambadas Sir CV

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1 Ambadas Sir CV View

About our Department

English Department is an integral part of our college. It is playing vita role, English subject is taught as basic subject with establishment of college in the year 1979. English is being taught both Arts and Commerce. It is taught for B.A And B.Com & B.Sc. We Are happy to inform that our institution has started  English as an Optional Subject from the year 2008 onwards. And it provides qualitative education in English make students perfect to face competitive world with higher competency. English language helps for the students in future.

Department Faculties Details

Sl.No. Name Designation
01 Dr. C.S.Biradar HOD & Assistant Professor
02 Shri. B.Y.Waddar Lecturer
03 Shri. A.S.Waghamore Lecturer


Department Point of Actions

Future point of Actions

  1.  To create more interest in Rural Area Students
  2.  To provide good result in English
  3.  To make students perfect to face Competitive Examination

01) Specific Outcome: Language and Literature.

It offered all interested students unique access to other ways of thinking by introducing them to English language, literature and cultures different from their over, with comes content from the Ancient World to the contemporary context, We provide our students with abroad education which encompasses them the arts without neglecting the practical cultural awareness and linguistic accuracy prepare students for successful participation in the global community.

02) B.A, B.Com And B.Sc

  1. Course Outcome:

B.A – Understand how cultural, historical, political, linguistic and environmental forces shape the world and recognize the role of the individual within communities to effect changes.

03) Course Outcomes:

  1. Language:

I and II Semester – Poetry, Prose, and Language component

  • Enable students to recognize and appreciate different forms of literature.
  • Motivate interest for further readings.
  • Improve the use of correct English in writing.

III and IV Semester- Novel, Drama and Language Component


  • Encourage advanced studies in Literature.
  • Concentrate on a single volume to study and understand.
  • Further the technical aspects of English language.

B. Optional English

I and II Semester- Poetry, Novel, Drama and Essays.

  • Introduce the students to great classics and its relevance.
  • Create an insight into scenario of literary advancement.
  • Give ways to new horizons of their imaginative of expression

III and IV Semester- Criticism, Literary Terms, Prose and Essays.

  • Enhance Literary awareness  of responses to creative writes.
  • Exposes to modern writes and the capabilities of current writings.
  • Provide motivation for future studies in Literature.

V and VI Semester- Modern Literature, Translations of Origin of English Language.

  • Focus is on student participation.
  • Stress on self expression and ability to utilize language skills.
  • Set their aims towards higher studies in literature and for professional courses.

English Language Lab:

The Lab established in 2008 by the English Department. It comprises of about 11 computers and segments, E-language N-Computing on clarity English. Soft Skills, Communicative Skills and Personality Development has been uploaded to the systems. Classes in the Lab are regularly conducted in batches.

Teaching Methods adopted to improve Student Learning

  • Use of ICT
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Black Board Teaching
  • Seminars
  • Assignments and Projects
  • Screening of films Related to Prescribed Texts
  • Meet the Author Program

Strength of the Department

  • Presentation f Papers in International/National/State Level Seminars/Conferences
  • Faculty as Resource Person in Various Platforms
  • Reference Books on recent trends in English Language and Literature
  • Arranging Invited Talks
  • Screening Text Based Films
  • Participation of Students in the UGC Seminars and Conferences
  • Meet the Author Program
  • Participation of teachers in Conferences and Seminars
  • Encourages Student Participation in Elocution and Debate Competition
  • Adopted Innovative Teaching methods like PPT, ICT, Brain Storming, GD
  • Student Seminar Presentations
  • Student Projects
  • Result
  • Care-share Forum for the Benefit of Students
  • Career Counseling for Outgoing Students

Weakness of the Department

  • Lack of Language Proficiency in Rural Students
  • High Teacher Student Ratio
  • Non Filling the Required Post

Opportunity of the Department

  • Establish Language Lab
  • Introduce Certificate Course in English Communication
  • Introduce Certificate Course in English Language Proficiency
  • Introduce PG in English


  • Develop Language Proficiency among Rural Students
  • Establishing Language Lab
  • Infrastructure and Learning Facilities

Future Plans

  • Establish Language Lab
  • Introduce PG in English
  • Introduce certificate course in English Communication
  • Introduce Certificate Course in English Language Proficiency
  • Introduce Translation Certificate Course
  • Organize International Conference
  • Undertaking Major Research Projects